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Ethical Competitive Intelligence in Software

Competitive intelligence (CI) is a vital input for effective pricing design. But too often, CI is conducted unethically, exposing the software company to risks that jeopardize its strategy, reputation and bottom-line. Moreover, the prevalence of unethical CI in software carries hidden consequences that affect all of us.

In our latest eBook, Ethical Competitive Intelligence in Software we explain the good and bad of competitive intelligence efforts to help you lower your risk, improve your results and avoid being part of an industry-wide problem.

An eBook to help you learn:

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    The differences between ethical and unethical competitive intelligence

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    Your risks when conducting or sponsoring unethical competitive intelligence

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    Your rights when competitive intelligence is conducted against you, including six counterintelligence best practices

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    How to conduct ethical competitive intelligence that produces accurate and reliable insight

See What We Can Do For You We've Been Doing This For Decades

Get in touch for a no-obligation consultation and learn how we can help you fix your pricing.