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Willingness to Pay: It's More Complicated Than You Think

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Lisa Furby

Lisa is a former VP Marketing for an award-winning SaaS company and market research expert.

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SPP’s Chris Mele featured on SaaS Story in the Making Podcast

Here’s a common and costly mistake software companies make. They spend enormous time and resources planning and building their solution...

Chris Mele explores consumption pricing strategies on Metrics That Measure Up Podcast

In a recent article explaining the use of consumption pricing as a pricing strategy, we mentioned the increased attention being...

Competitive Intelligence in Software

Competitive intelligence (CI) is a vital input for effective pricing design. But too often, CI is conducted unethically, exposing the...

SPP’s Chris Mele featured on Art of Procurement Podcast

Ask 10 software executives how they feel about RFPs and you’ll likely get 10 bitter answers back. By and large,...

Is an RFP a Good Way to Choose a Pricing Consultant?

Software execs dread the time it takes to respond to RFPs (Request for Proposal), the limits placed on them to gather...

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