August 8, 2024 |

Forbes: Why Some Software Companies Are Unknowingly Pricing Their Solutions Like 1980’s Manufacturers

To read the original Forbes article, click here.

When it comes to software pricing, it turns out most software companies are trapped in the 80’s.

If you’re using tiered pricing, a form of volume pricing, you may not realize this technique was first proposed in 1987, targeted to manufacturers of physical goods. But just because a technique worked for manufacturers doesn’t mean it is working well for software companies.

Tiered Pricing Changes Customer Behavior and Lowers Profitability

This Forbes article covers the following topics:

  • A brief history of volume pricing and where it originated.
  • How tiered pricing constructs can lead to lost revenue in negotiations.
  • How tiered pricing changes customer behavior, incentivizing them to purchase differently and distorting demand.
  • Why finely grained tiering is more profitable and encourages customers to maximize their spend with you.
  • Why pricing for third-party components is especially problematic and ultimately creates complications for buyers.
  • Why showing customers how to earn discounts vs. demand them is important.
  • Why it is important that software salespeople to get tools that enable clearer communicate of pricing to prospects.

You can read our full article on Forbes: Why Some Software Companies Are Unknowingly Pricing Their Solutions Like 1980’s Manufacturers.

Boost Your Profits With a Quick Win This Year

If you are using tiered pricing, in less than two weeks you can boost profits by as much as 18%. Let us show you how to do this in parallel with your other goals this year.



  • Chris Mele

Chris is Managing Partner for Software Pricing Partners, where he and his team have launched some of the software industry’s most transformative monetization strategies. As a former software company founder and leader, Chris focuses on the impact effective licensing, packaging and pricing strategies can make on the most essential software company metrics: revenue, profit and valuation. Under his leadership, Software Pricing Partners has become an influential voice for growth-oriented software companies both large and small.


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